While we may not be ready to get together, we can still BLOOM TOGETHER!
This year's Festival of Flowers is a month long community celebration and fundraising event that includes virtual workshops for all ages, a Community Garden Art Exhibit in downtown Iowa City, flowers delivered to your doorstep, and a chance to win some amazing prizes. Below are 4 ways that you can support local youth and families so we can all #bloomtogether.
Bloom Together! Every gift of $50 or more comes with a packet of Bloom Together Butterfly Mix seeds, provided by Forever Green. Look inside your seed packet to see if you are one of five winners of a fresh floral arrangement from a local florist. Winners will also have a shot at winning the Mystery Seed Packet Grand Prize - a bouquet of Iowa City's greatest offerings, valued at $1,000.

4 Ways to Bloom Together:
Plant a Seed by Making a Donation Today

Special Thanks to our 2021 Festival of Flowers Sponsors
Bloom Where You Are Planted,
Title Sponsors
Community Bouquet,
Major Sponsors
Laurie and Mark Zaiger
Establishing Roots,
Supporting Sponsors
Sue and Dave
Seed Saver,
First Time Sponsors
Joy Smith & David Rust